
About us

We are "POSCO" Group

Pohang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd (POSCO) is a steel company. It was built in Korea in 1963 and has been in the steel, construction, energy, and secondary battery industries till now, and is currently showing prominence in many fields such as IT, chemical, and Energy.

POSCO's blast furnaces are constantly boiling in Pohang and Gwangyang in Korea. The Pohang steel mill area is 9.50 million ㎡, and the Gwangyang area is 21.35 million ㎡, which is more than twice the size of the Pohang steel mill.

The strength of Global POSCO

POSCO is a global company. We are currently operating in 52 countries around the world. In addition, POSCO has been selected by WSD(World Steel Dynamics) as the most competitive steel company for 12 consecutive years, with a crude steel output of 40 million tons. As the sixth largest in the world, we are growing through constant innovation.
* Global entry into processing centers: 27 centers in 12 countries

Customer Service

At POSCO MPPC, quality is a fundamental part of all of us who make up the company, focused on exceeding the expectations of interested parties by complying with applicable requirements, risk assessment and prevention, reduction of defects and waste, based on continuous improvement in all our processes

Environmental Policy

All of us who are part of the company are committed to caring for the environment and preventing pollution, which are an essential and integral part of our environmental responsibility. Focused on identifying environmental aspects and mitigating environmental impacts through the implementation of operational controls, to achieve an ecological balance in our environment.

Security and health

POSCO MPPC is a company concerned with safe and healthy working conditions to prevent injury and ill health of its workers and its relevant stakeholders. Committed to meeting the needs and expectations of interested parties, through the identification of hazards and evaluation of risks and opportunities, compliance with current legislation and regulations on occupational health and safety.

  • Timely Deliveries
  • Compliance with Applicable Requirements
  • Compliance with the expectations of the Interested Parties.
  • Identify Risks and Opportunities
  • Prevent defects and reduce waste
  • Carry out Continuous Improvement based on the objective measurement of results.
  • Timely Deliveries
  • Compliance with Applicable Requirements
  • Compliance with the expectations of the Interested Parties.
  • Identify Risks and Opportunities
  • Prevent defects and reduce waste
  • Carry out Continuous Improvement based on the objective measurement of results.

Talents with the mindset of action, consideration and creativity

Employees, as members of corporate citizen POSCO, are encouraged to set an example for others with the mindset of 'action', 'consider' others with the mindset of modesty and respect, and be 'creative' talent who indulge in their own work while actively adopting new ideas.


Substance befor form


Execution before reporting


Benefits before justification

Overview of POSCO Group Vision



Core Values

Contact Us

Do you have any questions? comments or are you interested in any of our products? Don't hesitate to send us a message!

Leaders in the integrated steel Industry
